Thursday, April 15, 2010

Haldimand "Are You On the Voters List"

Information for VOTERS

Who is eligible to vote in Haldimand County?

A person is entitled to be an elector in a municipal election if, on voting day, he or she

•is 18 years of age
•a Canadian citizen
•resides in Haldimand County or is the owner or tenant of land in Haldimand County, or the spouse of such owner or tenant
•not prohibited from voting under any law

New for 2010: As a result of the Good Government Act, before receiving a ballot, eligible voters must produce proof of identity and residence as part of their qualification to vote. Sufficient identification includes all of the following:

1. Name
2. Qualifying Address
3. Signature

An example of such ID would be a current driver’s licence or photo health card. If you do not have a piece of ID with all three components, it is possible that you may need two pieces of ID to cover all three requirements. For example a Voter Notification Card (issued by the municipality) AND a document with your signature.

Find out more about Identification that will be accepted

Who is not eligible to vote in Haldimand County?

•A person serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution
•A corporation
•A person acting as an executor or trustee or in any other representative capacity, except as a voting proxy in accordance with Section 44 of the Municipal Elections Act
•A person convicted of a corrupt practice if voting day in the current election is less than five years after voting day in the election in respect of which he or she was convicted.

Am I on the Voters’ List?

Each municipality prepares a Voters’ List based on a Preliminary List of Electors provided to it by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Municipalities utilize this list to print the Voters’ List by September 1st of the election year. In order to comply with legislation, MPAC’s Preliminary List of Electors must contain only qualified electors.

New in 2010: To meet new requirements, if MPAC does not have confirmation that local residents are Canadian citizens, those names will not be included on the preliminary list and subsequently, the Voters’ List. As a result, approximately 3300 electors have been removed from the primary voter list and will need to be updated!

In order to update their records, MPAC is sending out Municipal Enumeration Forms in the spring of 2010. If you receive this form, please complete it and return it to MPAC by June 1, 2010, ensuring that the “Canadian Citizen” category is filled out for each individual listed on the form.

Ensure you are on the voters list to decrease wait times at the poll!

How does an elector vote?

The 2010 Municipal Election Day is Monday, October 25, 2010. Eligible voters (as outlined above) can vote at their designated poll, when they provide valid identification. Locations will be posted as they become available

For electors who are not able to vote on election day, advance polls are to be held in October . Electors voting at an advanced poll can vote at any of the advanced locations. Dates and locations will be posted as they become available

There is also a provision whereby electors who are not able to vote, at either the advance poll or on Election Day, can appoint someone to vote by proxy in their place.

Proof of identity and residence will be required for all voters.


  1. Hi Donna,

    I have been a long time reader of your blog and I think it is great you are in the running for your ward. I have also decided to take the plunge and have signed up to run for mayor. I have put a website together and hopefully will learn from your example and keep it as consistently updated!

  2. Thank you Ryan for your comment, and I am very fortunate to have many avid readers like yourself of my blog. I started this blog in 2007, and I truly felt like an "unheard voice". Today I feel much different, but I will continue with this blog as I believe that there are many "unheard voices" out there. If elected to council I will be an extenstion of the voices of Ward 6 and it would be my honour!

    Good luck on your campaign Ryan, we will no doubt meet each other sometime on the campaign trail.

    As I use to tell my girl guides, always reach for the moon, the worse that can happen is you land on a star!

  3. The press has started to bite - I have a story coming out in "The Regional News This Week" and I am doing another one with Nicole at the "Dunville Chronicle" which you will likely stumble across. They laughed at me a little when I filled my nomination papers at City Hall, but I think Haldimand is ready for a change and for some young blood. It is still early though so who knows. I look forward to running into you. If I lived in Ward 6 you would have had my vote. You are very astute.

  4. Thanks Ryan for the compliment. Elections are a strange creature in itself, anything in life is a possibility. Like I have said many times, I am already a winner, a looser is one who does not try. Ryan worse things can happen then a chuckle or two, you certainly need to have tough skin to run a campaign and Kudos to anyone who is passionate enough to get involved to that extent!
