Friday, May 28, 2010

Haldimand "Food Drive Items Needed"

After reading the story below, I decided that there is something that we can all do to help out the Salvation Army and that is to help replenish their food bank. We can't stop people from dumping the garbage (I have seen this myself) but we can help in easing the financial burden by donating goods for the food bank.

Along with asking my family, friends and neighbours for donations, I would like to extend the invitation to you! I am more than willing to pick up anytime, it would be my pleasure!

Please call me at 905-701-1627.

Salvation Army Needs Help, Not Garbage
Updated 1 day ago

While grappling with recent funding cuts and empty shelves at the Food Bank, the Salvation Army has one more problem to deal with: dumping.

Reporting to work after the long weekend Tuesday morning, volunteers and staff of the Salvation Army were greeted with massive piles of garbage blocking the building's entrance.

While staff say they appreciate donations which support their Thrift Store, the additional task of removing broken and unwanted items costs the Salvation Army thousands of dollars a month in disposal fees.

"There was so much sheer volume, we couldn't even get in the door," said Lynda Bain Tuesday morning. "Our volunteers had to move it." The bulk of the items are broken or need some type of repair, and she surmised that they are being dropped off after yard sales, which are prevalent this time of year.

"We have this problem every year at this time," noted Bain, "and then people rummage through it, which makes it even worse."

The considerable dumping fees take away from the Food Bank's operating costs, which at this time of year is in desperate need of replenishing. Items most in demand include staples such as pasta, rice, tomato sauce, canned meats such as tuna, soup and canned fruit, said Bain.

At Dunnville's Mudcat Festival Kickoff on June 5, featuring the Movie under the Stars, Classic Car Show by the Dunnville Cruisers and Commemorative Mural unveiling in the downtown core, donations of non-perishable food will be collected for the Food Bank.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Haldimand "Haldimand County Council supports Natural Gas Plant in Nanticoke"

The mayors of Mississauga, Oakville and Haldimand County have joined forces to lobby the Liberal government to support a plan to build a natural gas power plant in rural Haldimand instead of a controversial scheme to establish one in Oakville.

Haldimand council supports a plan by Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) to build a plant beside the Nanticoke Generating Station, which is slated to close in 2014, causing jobs and tax revenue losses.

Oakville and Mississauga, and many residents, are opposed to a plan by TransCanada Pipelines to build a $1.2 billion natural gas-fired generating plant near the Ford plant, which is within a three-kilometre radius of 11,000 homes and 16 schools.

Mayors Hazel McCallion, Rob Burton and Marie Trainer have signed two letters to Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Brad Duguid appealing for him to back the CPV plan for a 1,200-megawatt gas plant.

They believe it supports the minister's goal of maintaining the reliability of Ontario's energy supply when coal-fired plants are phased out.

They argue the plan by TransCanada Pipelines to establish a 940-megawatt plant in Oakville "steps from schools, home and parks ... makes no sense."

TransCanada was selected by the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) last September after OPA asked for proposals for the southwest Greater Toronto Area.

"Our residents and our technical experts have made it clear that constructing and operating an electric generating plant in Oakville or Mississauga is inappropriate," the mayors add. "We encourage and would fully support your government in directing the Ontario Power Authority to negotiate a contract with Competitive Power Venture."

The idea of having the gas plant established in Haldimand instead of Oakville is not new. Trainer spoke at a Mississauga rally before 1,000 people last year, telling the crowd her municipality would welcome the plant in Nanticoke to offset the loss of 600 jobs and $3 million in taxes.

The CPV proposal would employ 35, but the Mississaugas of the New Credit -- which endorsed the scheme in March -- say it will create 600 local construction jobs over a three-year period.

Duguid's spokesperson Amy Tang said the minister welcomed views from "our municipal partners" and said the ministry continued to be in a "listening mode." She was doubtful, however, the appeal will have any impact.

"The process was long and the decision has been made, pretty much," Tang said.

Trainer earlier this month hosted McCallion and took her on a tour of the CPV's proposed site for its gas plant and the hydro line corridor. Trainer also met May 14 with the clean air subcommittee of Miranet, Mississauga's city-wide ratepayers group, and took them on a tour.

"We've already said we'd take it here," said Trainer. "Everything is there. It's just amazing they wouldn't take advantage of this."

Friday, May 21, 2010

Haldimand "Community Support Services Responds to Haldimand County Flip Flop Decision"

Service centres weigh in

By Cheryl Beemer, Sandy Clark, Paul Dishke, Julie Fleet, Kim Fleming, Don Henning, Nancy Legere, Bil Lofthouse and Larry Williamson, The board of directors, CSCHN

May 19, 2010

On behalf of the thousands of clients we serve annually and the hard-working and dedicated staff of the not-for-profit Community Support Centre of Haldimand-Norfolk, (CSCHN) we wanted to say shame on Haldimand County Council- and especially Mayor Marie Trainer and Councillor Buck Sloat- for their recent flip-flop on emergency funding to our agency and the Salvation Army.

Passing a 5-2 motion in favour of funding one week- in the presence of representatives from our two agencies and with assurances that all questions had been answered to ensure an informed decision- and one week later playing what appears to be election-year politics at the expense of our clients- is unconscionable. Not only did these elected officials pull the rug out from under our agencies with ridiculous excuses that had already been addressed, they did so when no one from our two agencies was present to respond to these concerns.

The impact of this decision is that our Centre will have to reduce already-skeletal staffing and service by the fall, and possibly close by the end of the year.

Our two small, not-for-profit agencies- which receive virtually no ongoing government funding- provide residents and families of our County with essential and emergency services to help support them through difficult and unusually stressful times. Our community has had more than its fair share of hard times in the past four years, and Council has completely washed its hands when it comes to recognizing that exceptional increase in need, choosing to do nothing about it and preferring instead to blame the province for not doing enough.

We beg to differ: the province has already shown that it has limited time for Haldimand County. It is absolutely Council’s responsibility to take the time to understand and respond to the changing needs of its residents, including going beyond simply funding ‘mandated human services’ (through the Haldimand-Norfolk Health and Social Services Department).

Since 2006, the CSCHN has seen a 200% increase in the need for essential services (e.g. food, housing, clothing), job search assistance and counselling. We have worked with many of our on-site agency collaborators (including the Caledonia & District Food Bank, Community Addiction and Mental Health Services, Haldimand-Norfolk R.E.A.C.H., Haldimand & Norfolk Women’s Services, Helping Hands for Haldimand, the Dunnville Salvation Army and others) to meet those exceptional needs.

As well during that time, we have received some one-time support from the provincial government (specifically related to the land claim dispute). In the past four years, Haldimand has benefitted from millions of dollars of additional provincial funding to support our region. However, the County, in its infinite wisdom, has chosen to invest all of that additional money directly into infrastructure, not people.

In early February, the CSCHN’s volunteer board of directors approached Haldimand County with a request for $50,000 in emergency funding and the desire to work with the County to more effectively lobby the provincial and federal governments to increase funding for local health, social and community services such as ours. We suggested that the Salvation Army- located at the other end of the County and providing a comparable service to ours- be considered in this exceptional request.

During the course of two months, our staff provided Council with a detailed budget of how the monies requested would be spent, pages of rationale regarding the community need and answered dozens of questions related to the legitimacy of our request, the fairness of providing funding to one agency over another, how we do business, our ability to ensure these monies would actually go towards helping our fellow neighbours and more. In the end, it appears politics won out instead of policy.

Mayor Trainer and Councillor Sloat—who had originally voted in favour of the funding—chose to play fast and loose with the fortunes of our clients, implying that since the CSCHN couldn’t guarantee that all of the $50,000 would benefit only Haldimand County residents (by our own admission, approximately 2% of our 22,000 annual client visits come from communities neighbouring Haldimand) they couldn’t support the request.

Councillor Don Ricker added insult to injury, questioning the integrity of our two organizations by saying we “could use the money as we wish.” We would be interested to hear what Councillor Ricker thinks we’re going to use the money for, if not for our clients.

Those of us who believe that this is a caring community—and want to ensure this continues to be the case—might want to keep this in mind at election time.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Haldimand "Who is on the List?"

These are the current registered candidates seeking your support for Haldimand County Council.

The county website is updated everyday around 4:00pm. There is a link in my side bar that will take you directly to this page.

Registered Candidates

The following candidates have been listed in alphabetical order, by last name.
Please note: This webpage will be updated each business day at 4:00 p.m.

Municipal Council
[One (01) individual is to be elected to fill the office of Mayor.]


Ryan J. Geddes

Ken Hewitt
8 Blackburn Crt. Caledonia, ON N3W 2N9

Buck Sloat
508 Lakeshore Road, Selkirk, ON, N0A 1P0

[One (01) Councillor will be elected to represent each of the following Wards.]

Ward 1

Leroy Bartlett
652 Concession 2, RR#2 Nanticoke, N0A 1L0

Stewart Patterson
2019 Main St. S., Jarvis, ON, N0A 1J0
(519) 587-4319

Ward 2

Neale Armstrong
4 Erie St, Fisherville, N0A 1G0

Rick Beale
33 Ottawa St. S., Cayuga, ON

Ray C Hunsinger
366 Lakeshore Rd, Selkirk, ON, N0A 1P0

Ward 3

Rob Duncan

Craig Grice
158 Braemar Ave, Caledonia, N3W 2M6

Ward 4

Tony Dalimonte
166 King St. East, PO Box 1137, Hagersville, N0A 1H0

Ward 5

Don Ricker
525 Diltz Road, Dunnville, ON, N1A 2W2
905-774-4661 (Bus) 905-774-8563 (home)

Ward 6

Donna Pitcher
2509 Lakeshore Rd., Dunnville, ON N1A 2W8

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Haldimand "Arena Twin Pad Proposal"

Dunnville group proposes twin pad funding idea

By Dave Dunham (President) Margaret Rose (Treasure) Bob Allen (Member) (For Volunteers of Maple Creek Leisureplex 2000 Inc.)

May 11, 2010

In support of Haldimand County making provisions for adding a second pad to Dunnville’s new arena – consultant F. J. Galloway justified doing so in his Feasibility Study as written:

“Based on the data for this study, this strategy would likely result in a twin pad in Dunnville, for the following reasons:

• The Dunnville Arena has an evidently higher utilization level and will have higher population growth over future years;

• Dunnville is further away from other arena facilities, while Cayuga is centrally located and has relatively shorter drive times to either Caledonia or Dunnville;

• Dunnville has a closer proximity to other population sectors that could be interested in using the facility or create a larger market for special event activities beyond ice use

The main reasons for building the second pad now are all too obvious:

• Haldimand wishes to be fair and equitable to its residents.

• If Dunnville only needs one pad for 15,000 residents, then West Haldimand only needs 2 pads for 30,000. Otherwise, if the West needs 4 pads for 30,000, then Dunnville needs 2 pads for 15,000. It is that simple.

• Building a second pad now will cost $4 million as quoted by two arena contractors – instead of $8 million later.

• Building the second pad now means the walking track will not be needed and its $250,000 cost can be used to reduce the cost of the second pad from $4 to $3.75 million.

• Building a second pad later would disrupt site parking and decrease site safety for about one year of construction.

• Dunnville residents have signed over 2,000 petitions to have their twin pad built now, because they know they need it.

• Only allowing for one pad in Dunnville is currently hurting fundraising and affecting confidence in our County.

• Building a second pad later is not a good business choice based on Ontario’s trend to build twin pads and not single pads.

• County staff and volunteers would not have to go through the costly planning, fundraising and building processes all over again if the twin pad is built now.

• To avoid passing an $8 million expense to the next Council and our trusting taxpayers.

Pay It Forward Plan:

Based on our County making provisions to add a second pad, Galloway’s professional justification for a twin pad in Dunnville, and current Ontario arena trends favouring twin pads; Maple Creek volunteers are proposing a “Pay It Forward Plan.”

• We will borrow $3.75 -4 million from a local bank or trust company to pay for our second pad now. With either private investors or our County as our co-signers for the loan.

• We will fundraise for the second pad to cover interest, principle, and to reduce the amount owing on the second pad, so we can save taxpayers and future Council over $4 million.

• Then, our future Council can realize the savings by paying for the balance of the loan from the $4 million saved.

• The “Pay It Forward Plan” will create a win-win-win scenario for this Council, our future Council and Haldimand taxpayers.

Let’s help make Haldimand a fair and equitable place to live!

Dunnville Sachem, May 11, 2010

Haldimand "Halt the HST"

This certainly has my full support!

For Immediate Release:

May 14, 2010

Barrett backs MPP Macleod motion to halt HST in Ontario

Queens Park – Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett is hopeful a PC motion is successful in putting the brakes on the McGuinty HST tax hike before it’s too late.

Barrett voiced his support for the motion from Lisa MacLoed, MPP for Nepean-Carleton and Critic for Revenue and Government Accountability, at an anti-HST information session in Oakville last night.

“This motion is the latest in a long list of attempts we’ve made to ensure government listens to the people of this province and halts this hated tax on everything,” stated Barrett. “To date, over 100,000 Ontarians have signed petitions in the PC Campaign to stop the tax.”

The motion would halt HST legislation until such time the McGuinty Liberals get a mandate from voters. MacLeod’s motion, to be debated in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on May 19th, cites the Dalton McGuinty oath, “I will not raise taxes or implement any new taxes without the explicit consent of Ontario voters.” Since McGuinty has now admitted the HST “will be an increase in taxation,” MacLeod’s motion would delay the implementation of the HST until a date following the next provincial general election.

During the Oakville event, Barrett also discussed the suitability of the Nanticoke area as a host for electrical energy generation to substitute for a planned natural gas facility plant in Oakville.

- 30 –

For more information, please contact MPP Toby Barrett at
(519) 428-0446 or (905)-765-8413, 1-800-903-8629

Friday, May 14, 2010

Haldimand "Soccer Club takes County to Court"

Soccer club takes county to court
Wednesday May 12, 2010

While Dunnville soccer players prepare to fight for control of the ball on the fields, a bigger battle has been brewing on the sidelines.

What began as an ongoing debate between Haldimand County and members of the Dunnville Youth Soccer Club erupted into a lawsuit in recent months.

According to the County's Manager of Community Services, Hugh Hanly, "The Soccer Park Corporation took the County to court to determine whether the lease made in 1999 was still valid. The county terminated it in 2008. The judge found that the lease was not valid, and ruled in favour of the County, and directed that the County and the Club negotiate a new lease.

In the meantime, because there's no lease, Dunnville United Soccer Club is willing to take over."
Hanly said the Corporation is in the process of appealing that ruling, but youth soccer will continue as usual in Dunnville, with the Dunnville United Soccer League at the helm of programming, led by Dan Obsteter, President of the Dunnville United Men's League. This marks the first time since 1998 that the Dunnville Soccer Park Corporation hasn't organized programming.

"It's County property," said Hanly, "and just like when you use a ball park, we need an agreement. At the end of the day, we were successful in working with Dunnville United and we didn't want to get this lease thing mixed up in letting the kids play soccer. We're both working toward the same goal."

Hanly added that there are some individuals who "are both Dunnville United Youth Soccer and Dunnville Soccer Park Corporation executives, so it's convoluted trying to determine which side they are on. These guys have done a fantastic job of operating soccer and the County recognizes that," he said. "Not once did the County say, 'Give this to me so we can take over soccer.' If we had to, we would have for the kids, if nobody else had stepped up. We were prepared to get referees and coaches."

In e-mail correspondence dated April 14 of this year, Hanly wrote to Margaret Rose of the Soccer Park Corporation: "I have been advised by Councillor Boyko that your organization will not be running the soccer program in Dunnville this summer. I understand that soccer registration has already taken place and a number of users have registered. I respectfully request that you forward the registrations to Haldimand County, addressed to my attention immediately so that the County can ensure that soccer is Dunnville this year."

According to Marg and Sig Rose, long-time members of the Dunnville Youth Soccer Club, problems that led to the lawsuit go back as far as the early 1990s, when the Cayuga soccer park was developed, and Dunnville Youth Soccer, as a member of Haldimand Youth Soccer Club, assisted in funding the project.

The former Town of Haldimand also provided a grant of $50,000 to assist in facility start-up costs, said Sig Rose. He added that under the terms of the lease that was negotiated, the Cayuga branch of Haldimand Youth Soccer took full responsibility for the maintenance of the park. The Dunnville Soccer Park Corporation (DSPC) was established in 1998, with a goal of building a soccer complex, " because the only decent soccer field in Dunnville was being closed due to a drainage project," said Rose.

"The mayor of the former Town of Dunnville advised there was land available on Logan Road that was earmarked for recreational purposes. If we wanted to request town council to allow us to lease the property, we could develop it into a soccer park.

"Once that request was granted, DSPC, along with the Haldimand Youth Soccer Club, entered into a 40-year lease with the Town of Dunnville, with terms stating that DSPC would be responsible for all development aspects of the soccer park, and that the Town would, in turn, accept responsibility for grass maintenance and garbage collection. This lease was unlike the Cayuga soccer park lease in that the Cayuga soccer organization members wished to maintain the park themselves.

"In addition, the DSPC and town of Dunnville agreed that either party could exit the lease by giving 180 days notice. However, at the DSPC's insistence, a replacement clause was included, due to speculation at the time that the land may be needed for industrial development. We wanted to ensure that our investment of time, labour, and money was protected," said Rose. In the event the town needed the property for industry, they could cancel the lease within 180 days notice. But they would have to provide a similar, alternate facility elsewhere within the town.

"As a result of restructuring in 2000, the Town of Haldimand and the Town of Dunnville were amalgamated into the new County of Haldimand. In 2005, the Caledonia youth soccer group, which was also part of Haldimand Youth Soccer Club, began developing a soccer park on McClung Road, southeast of Caledonia, due to the fact that the County was using land that had a soccer field with lights and a partial fence on it, to build a new arena. To compensate for the loss of the soccer field, the County gave Caledonia soccer $150,000 to assist with construction of the soccer facility. In 2006, the Caledonia branch of Haldimand Youth Soccer entered into a lease agreement with the County in which Caledonia Soccer was responsible for all maintenance, including grass cutting."

Of the three towns, Rose said that Dunnville was the only soccer facility which negotiated to have the grass maintenance designated as a responsibility of the local municipal government, and further claimed that Dunnville was the only park not to receive any funding assistance from the former Town of Dunnville to construct the park.

"In 2007, the Dunnville youth soccer program split from the Haldimand Youth Soccer Club for many reasons," he said, "and became part of the Dunnville United Soccer Club. As a result, HYSC, through legal representation, requested a release from lease with the DSPC with respect to the Dunnville Soccer Park.

"To us, this seemed as easy as replacing HYSC with DUSC, or simply removing HYSC and leaving the agreement as being between DSPC and the County. The County did not agree and invoked the 180-day clause to terminate the lease. Then they offered a new lease, in which they were no longer responsible for grass cutting or garbage pickup, but offered a 65/35 split on grass cutting costs. If the County tting the grass, the DSPC would pay 65 per cent of the cost. If DSPC assumed the task of grass cutting, the County would subsidize by 35 per cent."

The DSPC and the County tried to negotiate a new lease for a couple of years with no compromise, stated Rose. "We finally went to the law firm of Cline, Bakcus in Simcoe to seek advice. Our position from the beginning was that if we build this park, the least the former Town of Dunnville (now the County) can do for us is cut the grass. Unlike Caledonia and Cayuga, we had no other financial assistance from the town or County in building the park. Moreover, the County has given both Caledonia and Cayuga $2,100 per year for the past few years to help with their grass cutting costs, even though both negotiated a lease agreement in which the soccer organizations accepted full responsibility for grass maintenance.

"In 2005, DSPC negotiated with the County to cost share on the construction of a field house, which finally was settled at 50/50, to a maximum of $100,000. The final cost of the building was $212,000. Caledonia recently negotiated a similar agreement. In Dunnville, we also constructed a pavilion, installed lights on one field, added drainage and built an additional five fields on adjacent, privately-owned property, all with no contribution from the County."

County staff were out cutting the grass last week, Hanly said, and have made arrangements to aerate and fertilize the soccer fields, as usual. If all goes as scheduled, the fields should be ready for play by the regular annual starting date of May 20 or so.

Article ID# 2574466

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Haldimand "Council Flip Flop"

Funds allocation defeated
Wednesday May 12, 2010

"Point of order!" said Councillor Craig Grice as Coun. Buck Sloat began to reiterate his and Coun. Don Ricker's point on the direct allocation of $100,000 to charity organizations in Haldimand County. Monday's council meeting began with the approval of minutes from last week's council in committee.

During the May 3 meeting, a recommendation was passed allowing the "funding allocation of $100,000" from the county's 2010 budget to be distributed evenly between the Community Support Centre of Haldimand-Norfolk in Caledonia and the Salvation Army in Dunnville.

However, as council proceeded to approve the minutes, Coun. Ricker had a suggestion.

"You almost wonder if there shouldn't be an amendment that there's no direction, no idea where this money is going to be spent, no confidence that this council is spending $100,000 and what portion of that is going to be spent in Haldimand County and which portion is going to be spent in Norfolk." says Coun. Ricker. "Both these organizations that are in this resolution serve both counties and at this point, they can use the money as they wish if they find the need is more of service in another area, they can do so and we can't stop them."

Coun. Ricker explains there are many organizations within the county that could also use the money as much as the next, and many of them have already enquired into whether or not they could be considered also. "We don't know if [the money] is going to get into the hands of the people that need it."

Coun. Sloat sees the reason in Coun. Ricker's request and explains perhaps the motion should also take into consideration how and where the taxpayer's dollars are being spent and says, "It should be clearly stated that this money be spent to better the lives of Haldimand County residents."

"I think it was made quite clear to the presenters, but [the motion] doesn't say it," says Mayor Marie Trainer referring to the representatives from the organizations who came to council in previous weeks to explain how and where they would use the money.

Coun. Leroy Bartlett is curious how council picks the winners and losers saying, "We've picked two winners, but there's probably a lot more organizations that are waiting in the wings that would like money also."

After all opinions were heard, council proceeded to amend the motion adding the phrase "on the condition that both agencies are required to spend the funds to the sole benefit of Haldimand County residents." The amended motion was put to a vote, after Trainer was left to second the motion, and was defeated.

"I find that greatly astounding," says Coun. Ricker who explains he finds it "interesting" that council would vote to spend the $100,000 but not designate it to directly benefit the residents of Haldimand County.

"This is out of our realm, this is not the procedure we should be following, this has not been done right from day one.

Some of the members have voted to move forward on this aren't concerned whether the money is spent in Norfolk or Haldimand County - $100,000 from Haldimand County taxpayers.

Amazing." The recommendation fails with a final vote of 4-3 and the original motion of May 3 council in committee remains carried. "I find that really incredible that the groups of the organizations are here to present their case, [council] had an opportunity to ask all kinds of questions, which we did and they were answered, and then this council does a turnabout from a 5-2 vote . . . Shame on us," says Coun. Lorne Boyko.

Article ID# 2574437

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Haldimand "Canada's Worst Driver coming to Dunnville"

Dunnville's worst driver

Residents of Dunnville should keep a closer eye and pay more attention to the road while driving this summer, as a motion was passed in council on Monday to allow an amendment to a current Dunnville bylaw to allow filming to begin of an automotive documentary television series called "Canada's Worst Driver."

Kyle Plas, planner, came to council asking for the amendment to the Town of Dunnville zoning bylaw to permit additional uses which are considered to be beyond the scope of what is currently allowed.

The filming will take place in and around the Dunnville Airport for roughly six weeks and will consist of the assembly of props and road courses needed to conduct the driving tests the show is known for in order to rehabilitate some of Canada's worst drivers. Plas, and his proposal, ensures that the filming will take place only during daytime hours with one driver on the course at a time, easing any concerns of excessive noise levels and all cars used would be like any other street legal car seen on the road.

"This is good for Haldimand County," says Councillor Buck Sloat. "This is good business, it brings a lot of attention to Haldimand County - as a matter of fact, I think my mother- in-law is going to be filmed on this one -it's just good for the county because it is very popular."

Coun. Don Ricker says, "I want to give kudos to the property owners for allowing this to and bringing this to the county." Coun. Ricker proceeds to read an email sent to him by a representative at Proper Television [a private Toronto-based business with about 50 employees who produces shows like Canada's Handyman along with Canada's Worst Driver] thanking Haldimand for allowing the filming of the show to go ahead. Coun. Ricker also extends his thanks from Dunnville CARES for properly explaining the process and keeping them in the process stating they have no objection to the filming.

Coun. Sloat says, "This is a very positive thing for the county." He explains the sense of pride the county could feel when seeing their town not only on television, but on a widely- recognized show.

The show is set to be filmed over a period of 16 days during the months of June and July. Before filming begins, there will be a small crew who will be assemble and disassembling the courses and production areas. The 75 member crew will also be staying in Haldimand County until filming is complete. The series will be aired on the Discovery Channel this fall.

Article ID# 2564081