Here are some updates from this week's Question Period. I must say that I would like to know who is telling the truth. I have read Chief Montour's letter, but I will not post it as I do not have Chief Montour's permission to do so.
I contacted Chief Montour's office today and hopefully he will have time to meet with me in person regarding this issue. If and when that happens I will update you.
Re: Barrett and Runciman call for RCMP investigation
Toby here, Question Period was more than interesting this morning as the Official Opposition continued to ask the Liberal government about their interference into OPP operational matters. Pasted below is a news release detailing the events of Question Period.
Take care.
For Immediate Release May 13, 2008
RUNCIMAN, BARRETT CALL FOR INVESTIGATION INTO LIBERAL INTERFERENCE IN OPP OPERATIONS IN CALEDONIA Runciman, Barrett say letter raises serious questions about government role in recent Caledonia blockade (Queen’s Park) –
Opposition Leader Bob Runciman and Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett today condemned the McGuinty Liberals for allegations that senior Ministers of the government interfered with recent Ontario Provincial Police operations in Caledonia.
"This letter is proof positive that as far as Chief Montour is concerned, both the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and the Minister of Community Safety intervened with the OPP in the recent Caledonia blockade," said Runciman. "It raises some very serious and troubling questions about the McGuinty government’s interference into the enforcement of the law in this province."
Runciman was referring to a letter dated April 29, 2008 from Six Nations of the Grand River Chief Bill Montour to Ontario’s Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Michael Bryant. In the letter, Montour thanked Bryant for his ‘intervention in the police action on Saturday April 26, 2008’ and said that this intervention ‘has been instrumental in the reopening of the Caledonia by-pass’. The letter was also sent to Attorney General Chris Bentley and Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Rick Bartolucci.
"Someone here is not telling the truth," said Runciman. "By failing to address the letter, the Minister has left the issue open to speculation and doesn’t clearly admit or refute the Chief’s claims."
"The Minister has known about this issue since the end of April. He has a duty to the Crown and to the people of Ontario to uphold the law," said Barrett. "It’s time that the Minister committed to calling in the RCMP to investigate this issue and provide the people of Caledonia and all Ontarians with the answers they deserve."
For more information: Michelle Pennell (416) 325-9109
Re: Caledonia Cover-Up
Toby here, Further to the news release I sent you yesterday based on the questions asked by my colleague Bob Runciman and I, I am forwarding to you the final Hansard transcript which speaks to the letter Chief Montour sent to Minister Bryant, as well as a last minute Liberal question about Commissioner Fantino’s response via a letter to The Dunnville Chronicle.
This morning, 'Caledonia Cover-Up' and HDI demands in Cayuga were again front and centre during Question Period.
Take care.
NATIVE LAND DISPUTE Mr. Robert W. Runciman: My question is to the Attorney General.
Minister, you were copied with a letter dated April 29, 2008, from Chief Bill Montour of the Six Nations Council addressed to Minister Bryant. The letter reads: "First of all, I want to thank you on behalf of the Six Nations of the Grand River community for your intervention in the police action on Saturday April 26, 2008. Your intervention has been instrumental in the reopening of the Caledonia bypass."
Minister, this letter raises very serious and troubling questions about the interference of ministers in the enforcement of the law in this province. Have you commenced an investigation into this matter, and if not, why not?
Hon. Christopher Bentley: I remember that the question was asked, I believe, for the first time last week. The minister spoke directly to it and said he did no such thing. The question was repeated to my colleague, the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and he said he did no such thing. Because a letter is written, it does not make it so.
Mr. Robert W. Runciman: I don't think the Attorney General, in his role and with the responsibility he has, should slough it off in terms of the concerns expressed in this letter.
Chief Montour's letter doesn't just stop there, and I'm quoting again: "During the early evening of Saturday, an OPP camera vehicle was driving past the protest site taking pictures of individuals. The people believe this action by the OPP was initiated to be able to identify certain individuals for future charges to be laid. To this end, I'm asking you to again intervene with your colleague ministers to ask the OPP to not lay charges.
Attorney General, have you investigated Chief Montour's request? Has anyone in this government intervened and asked the OPP to not lay charges? And if you haven't looked into this, why haven't you?
Hon. Christopher Bentley: I'm going to give it to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.
Hon. Michael Bryant: I'm very- Interjection.
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): I'd ask the honourable member to withdraw the comment he just made, please.
Mr. Robert W. Runciman: I withdraw. Hon. Michael Bryant: This is a question coming from a party that every single day in the Legislature asks the government to interfere with police operations on a regular basis and then today stands up, suddenly converted by the Ipperwash inquiry, which was on that government, and has decided that interfering with police operations is wrong.
In fact, interfering with police operations is not only unconstitutional and contrary to the Ipperwash inquiry; it's certainly contrary to the actions of every member of this government. I will say it again: The approach of this government is to leave operational matters in the hands of-< /p>
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Final supplementary.
The member for Haldimand-Norfolk. Mr. Toby Barrett: This letter is evidence that as far as Chief Montour is concerned, both the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and the Minister of Community Safety intervened with the OPP regarding the Caledonia blockade.
Chief Montour is pleased with their intervention in the past, and he's asking them to do it again.
Minister, you have known about this since April 29. You have a duty to the crown and to Ontarians to uphold the law. Why have you taken no steps to investigate this? Will you commit today to calling in the RCMP to investigate these very serious allegations?
Hon. Michael Bryant: The member may want to ask the Attorney General if he directs the police. I can tell you, this Attorney General does not direct the police. In fact, members of the executive council do not direct the police: not this minister, not that minister, not that minister. But that party would know about how to direct police, because they literally wrote the book on it. We had to hold a public inquiry into that party's activities. That's the party that wanted to "get the Indians out of the park."
This is the party and the government that called the Ipperwash inquiry and is implementing the Ipperwash inquiry and is following the recommendations of the Ipperwash inquiry.
Interjections. Hon. Michael Bryant: No-shame on you.
NATIVE LAND DISPUTE Mr. Robert W. Runciman: My question is for the Premier and it has to do, again, with the letter from Chief Bill Montour of Six Nations council, which was addressed to Minister Bryant. What we've heard today is Minister Bryant effectively calling Chief Montour a liar. If you read the letter, the chief is essentially thanking the minister, on behalf of Six Nations, for his intervention in a police action. Your Attorney General has abdicated responsibility here today in terms of following up with an investigation of a very serious allegation that deals with obstruction of justice, Premier. I'm asking you if you will direct your Attorney General-clearly, he needs direction-to initiate a thorough investigation of this allegation.
Hon. Dalton McGuinty: The Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.
Hon. Michael Bryant: Look at that. Not only is this an instance where suddenly the official opposition is interested in interference; the official opposition is now asking the Premier to interfere with the chief legal officer's discretion.
Again and again and again, we say, on this side of the House, that interference is not something that ought to take place. It has certainly been reinforced by the Ipperwash inquiry conclusions, and it's something that we abide by on this side of the House, unlike that side of the House.
Mr. Robert W. Runciman: I guess we're getting a little tired of the rhetoric from this minister in not dealing with the issue at hand. Chief Montour has made a very serious accusation dealing with potential obstruction of justice. Your Attorney General is abdicating his responsibilities in the House today. Your Premier won't deal with the issue.
I'm asking you a straight-out question here, and try to answer it directly for a change: Are you calling Chief Montour a liar?
Hon. Michael Bryant: I can tell you one thing: Chief Montour, if he were here right now, would say that you hold no brief for him and you have zero standing to stand up for his reputation and views. I can tell you, I have a relationship where I have discussions with Chief Montour. Tell me a single member of that caucus who has bothered to pick up the phone and try to establish a relationship with the chief of Six Nations. How many? Zero.
That is a caucus that, time after time, has tried to fan the flames. This is a government that will continue to seek not only the recommendations of the Ipperwash commission but will continue to ensure that there is zero interference with police operations. We will continue an aggressive, determined effort to try and resolve these issues in a peaceful fashion.
NATIVE LAND DISPUTE Mrs. Carol Mitchell: My question is for the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs. The opposition has made a very serious allegation about directing the OPP. Can you please state clearly for this House whether this government ever directed the OPP? What has Commissioner Fantino said about this allegation?
Hon. Michael Bryant: In a published letter to the editor, OPP Commissioner Fantino wrote: "At no time during this event"-referring to the blocking of Highway 6-"or in relation to any police operation did anyone in government or elsewhere tell the OPP to stand down or direct the actions of the OPP.
"The decisions that resulted in the peaceful resolution of the road closure in Caledonia were based on ongoing dialogue between the OPP and Six Nations leaderships...."< /p>
Obviously, we're very supportive of the OPP actions. It is, I think, very helpful for the chief commissioner to have clarified that in a letter to the editor, which is obviously consistent with the information that I and others have provided to this House. I hope this resolves the matter.
Mrs. Carol Mitchell: There will be no supplementary, Mr. Speaker. I feel that the minister has answered my question quite clearly.
Re: ‘Caledonia Cover-Up’ continued and Cayuga
Toby here,
Yesterday Bob Runciman continued to hammer the Liberals on the ‘Caledonia Cover-Up’. I also asked questions about builder Mike Corrado’s site in Cayuga. I have attached the final Hansard transcript.
The feedback to these updates over the past week or so has been invaluable and I thank you for your responses.
Mr. Robert W. Runciman: My question is to the Attorney General. It's regarding the letter sent by Six Nations Council Chief William Montour clearly suggesting that the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs intervened in an ongoing police investigation and prevented the laying of charges. That's potentially a serious criminal offence. Minister, given the clear and serious implications of what Chief Montour is saying in his letter-and you were copied on that letter as well-what did you do about it?
Hon. Christopher Bentley: That's right, I was copied on the letter.
The issue in the letter that the Leader of the Opposition makes reference to is answered directly by OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino in his letter to the Dunnville Chronicle, which the member should have had a copy of before raising the question. He says, "At no time during this event, or in relation to any police operation, did anyone in government or elsewhere tell the OPP to stand down or direct the operations of the OPP."
That thoroughly and completely addresses the issues raised by the Leader of the Opposition.
Mr. Robert W. Runciman: I would suggest that's an abdication of responsibility on the part of the Attorney General. Certainly we appreciate Commissioner Fantino's perspective, but what about Chief Montour's perspective? You're going to completely ignore it.
Given the seriousness of Chief Montour's comments and his request for further interventions with the police, can the Attorney General explain why he didn't bother to correct them? These are written criminal allegations made by a credible individual. Now you're getting up and the minister's getting up later and saying, "Well, now we're going to do it," after the letter became public. Why didn't you act? It was your responsibility to react.
Hon. Christopher Bentley: I'm not sure what part of Commissioner Fantino's letter you disagree with, so let me continue.
In the third paragraph: "The decisions that resulted in the peaceful resolution of the road closure in Caledonia were based on ongoing dialogue between the OPP and Six Nations leadership and on the OPP commitment to resolve such situations in the safest manner possible."
I'll continue on with the next paragraph: "The suggestion that political interference played a part is regrettable and untrue. OPP operational decisions are the purview of the police officers in charge. Decision-making is influenced by factors related to the event and the overall need to maintain order and preserve the peace. This is fully in keeping with the police role and authority."
This government does not direct the police. We do not direct the OPP. The commissioner is on the record. What part of that letter do you disagree with? Stand up and be counted.
Mr. Robert W. Runciman: I don't know who you're performing for, but it's certainly not the people of the province in terms of upholding the rule of law.
Chief Montour is a respected, credible individual. He's not someone who would fabricate a story about a minister of the crown interfering with police. He has nothing to gain, but this Minister of Aboriginal Affairs has a lot to lose even if he left the impression with Chief Montour that he was influencing police decisions.
Again, these are serious allegations coming from a credible source. They merit a full investigation, and I ask the Attorney General to take off his political hat, do the right thing, stop protecting a colleague and call in the RCMP.
Hon. Christopher Bentley: We have the commissioner of the OPP, who has not only called in but written in to the Chronicle on the very-
Mr. Peter Kormos: You're in the back pocket of the police.
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): I'd just ask the member for Welland to withdraw the comment that he directed to the Attorney General, please.
Mr. Peter Kormos: Withdrawn.
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Thank you.
Hon. Christopher Bentley: He has written on the very issue that is raised by the Leader of the Opposition, making clear the suggestion political interference played a part is regrettable and untrue. It is direct, it is clear, it is unequivocal.
We have lots of letters that are received in lots of places over lots of issues. You've heard from the ministers involved. Now you've heard from the OPP commissioner. I say to you again, what part of the OPP commissioner's direct response to the direct suggestion do you disagree with?
Interjection: Rumours.
Hon. Christopher Bentley: That's right. You want me to act on rumours.
Mr. Toby Barrett: To the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs: Mike Corrado is the owner of a multi-residential site in Cayuga and he met with HDI several weeks ago, along with municipal and provincial officials. HDI requested this meeting after protesters blocked access to Mr. Corrado's land. In addition to a demand for a $3,000 application fee, they also demanded Mr. Corrado transfer title to his property to HDI and lease it back from them for the next 50 years.
You're a lawyer; you're the government. Is this not illegal? Is this not extortion? More specifically, Minister, are home builders now required to transfer title of their lands to Six Nations?
Hon. Michael Bryant: No.
Mr. Toby Barrett: Mr. Corrado would really appreciate a more fulsome answer. We've spoken with Mr. Corrado this morning. The blockades at his construction site are still up in spite of your "no." He's been told by Ruby Montour that the protesters will not leave and they'll never leave until he complies with HDI's demands, meaning transferring title of his land.
Again, Minister, is this not blackmail? Are deeds worth nothing? How many thousands of jobs are going to be lost; how many millions of dollars have to be spent on policing? The OPP have told Mr. Corrado they will merely act as peacekeepers; they will not intervene. My question is, do you agree with Mr. Corrado asking the OPP to lay criminal charges, asking the OPP to enforce the Criminal Code of Canada?
Hon. Michael Bryant: I spoke to the mayor of Brantford to discuss the municipal council's great frustration, the community's great frustration and the developer's great frustration with respect to what is taking place. A lot of efforts have been made to try and bring people together, to get them off of the streets and on to the negotiating table.
As the mayor said to me yesterday, at the heart of this are, in fact, unresolved claims, primarily along the Haldimand tract. Both the mayor and I agreed that it really is time for the federal government to set a deadline and say, "We're going to put all of our resources into resolving these claims. It is through that, that we are going to achieve justice." So I certainly want to add my voice to the mayor's and the local members when we say to the federal government, with respect to this 200-year-old dispute, that it is time for them to set a deadline and set it now.