Haldimand "Here is my Say"
I would like to start off by saying that I have chosen in the past to not write any blogs on anything that has to do with "Native Claims", as I feel that I am not educated enough to make a good judgement on the issues. I have however touched on how I feel about violence and the right that "each and every" individual has to voice their opinions and demonstrate "Peacefully".
When I stood on the Dunnville bridge for "3" days last June, I did this "Peacefully", I did not stop traffic, and therefore I was "not arrested". But I can tell you for a fact that if I had indeed stopped the flow of traffic over the Dunnville Bridge I would have been "Arrested"! Why?………because it is against the law!
I do believe that many "people" (whether you are black blue or polkadot) have a true fear to voice their opinions or concerns on the issues of "natives and non-natives". Now even for me that statement doesn’t feel good as I usually say whether you are "black blue or polkadot"! But it seems to be that this is what it has come to just that…natives against non-natives. This is what is being fed to all of us! I will ask you this, who is at fault here? Natives? Non-Natives? OPP? McGuinty?
Well I am going to bite the bullet and tell you what I personally think. I have nothing against anyone that "protests" or voices their opinions whether I agree with what you are "protesting" or what you say, what I disagree with is simple….Breaking the Law…. We have zero tolerance in our schools for violence and bullies. Yet the OPP condone individuals for "breaking the law". I would love to hear an OPP officer or Commissioner Fantino explaining this to a grade "5" class on how some are allowed to break the law and others are not!
I would also like to say that as far as "Land claims" go there are certainly legitimate land claims here in Haldimand and that is up to the Federal government and the courts to decide. In my opinion these claims need to be taken more seriously from "both" sides. Two years ago this started with the claiming of DCE by a hand full of people, and in fact to my knowledge the Federal Government has stated that there is no legitimate claim on this land. The Province bought DCE, which in my opinion was a deliberate contradiction to what the Federal government has already stated. That, I believe is where the problems started. I would like to know what our Provincial government was thinking at the time. My opinion is that the Province clearly sent a mixed message to everyone involved.
This week was full of misinformation and misconceptions as Fantino has stated, but where has this come from? I was in Caledonia on Friday night and I too have watched the news. The OPP told us that they closed Hwy 6 bypass for the safety of the residents and yet I witnessed on CH TV the removal of a hydro tower and what looked like a telephone pole from the roadway. I have a simple question….Was this 5 day closure of HWY #6 not "Breaking the Law"? Who is really telling us the truth?
It has become apparent that our council in "Haldimand County" has no pull with anyone in the upper levels of government or the OPP, and this I must stress is not their fault. I have written many blogs about the shortcomings of our elected council, but I will not blame this council for what is going on in regards to; negotiations, road closures, loss of development, loss of jobs, loss of tax base, our loss of faith in our OPP, our loss of faith in our upper levels of governments ability to get a handle on what is happening here in Haldimand County. Council is certainly being more open about what they are saying in regards to the issues here. Some may say it is too late, but the fact is that council is fed up! Now in saying this, how do the residents of Caledonia and Six Nations feel?
It was most evident last Sunday where our current "Provincial Governments" priorities are, and that is in Toronto! When the TTC went on strike our government sat on a Sunday and ordered them back to work. I am not saying that I disagree with what the government did, as this situation would have crippled Toronto. The problem I have is where are we on the Provincial Governments Priority List? We have all witnessed this week that our Provincial Government can work very quickly on serious issues, I would say that we are in a serious state of affairs in Haldimand County wouldn’t you?
Here are some comments from the last week or so;
"This violent criminal activity occurred outside any legitimate protest and will not be tolerated". Commissioner Fantino.
"It would cripple Caledonia and further destroy the business community" This is in regards to the repairs slated for the Caledonia bridge, Council is asking the MTO to delay this work. Councillor Grice.
"Councillors took a firm stance against the blocking of Hwy 6 bypass, Council passed a resolution asking the Province and Federal governments to stop negotiations until all blockades and/or occupiers are removed from Haldimand County".
"We are sick and tired of it, said Councillor Buck Sloat. Sloat said the road blockade in Caledonia has nothing to do with land claims and pointed out that OPP Commission Fantino said there would be no law breaking on his watch" Councillor Sloat.
"Our priority is to reopen the public roadway that was taken over by a group of people who do not have the support of the Tyendinaga Band Council in relation to this roadblock" Commissioner Fantino.
"Haldimand County Councillors pointed out that the Six Nations protestors blocking Hwy 6 do not have support of the chiefs who govern Six Nations Band Council and the Traditional Confederacy".
"Grice commended residents for using restraint over the weekend".
"Grice said his wife is ready to move back to her hometown in Port Elgin".
"A return for normalcy is all every last citizen of Caledonia wants and better yet deserves". Councillor Grice.
"It’s time to clean it up and get it out of here". Councillor Sloat.
"Haldimand Council couldn’t even get a call back from upper levels of government last weekend, it’s devastating the way we are being treated" Councillor Don Ricker.
"Councillor Boyko was flabbergasted at the lack of communications".
"I and many others in this community were hopeful that Mr. Fantino was going to announce the reinstatement of law enforcement regardless of race". Merlyn Kinrade.
"According to Minister Bryant, the blockade went up due to misinformation. I would say that misconceptions are caused by misinformation; blockades are erected by people, criminals". Bill Jackson, reporter with the Regional News this Week.
"Minister Bryant commended residents of Haldimand/Caledonia for being so patient". This was a statement from Minister Bryant last week during his visit to Council.
"Barrett then pointed out that "… back in Caledonia, ATVs storm into town, barricades go up on the railway and Provincial Highway 6, and all of this, not because of the land claim, as you know, Minister Bryant, but to show solidarity with aboriginal protesters in eastern Ontario. We know people have got the barricades moved for now, but my concern is the double standard. Those responsible for criminal activity are arrested in Deseronto and no reports of arrests in Caledonia." Barrett then asked: "Why the double standard?" Bryant became agitated and responded with: "Well, the allegation that the member seems to be making—and I know he wouldn’t want to make this allegation—would be as against the standard set by the very institution and the people who, in fact, engage in decisions of police operations. That is, as the member knows, the OPP. "The member congratulates the OPP for their work in Deseronto, but I may say that I would’ve thought that the community was supportive as well of the work that the OPP did in keeping the peace. They make decisions—operational decisions—in Deseronto. They make decisions—operational decisions—in Caledonia," Bryant continued".
"Councillor Grice said leadership from upper levels of government is non-existent".
"Over the past two years, the McGuinty Liberals have made concession after concession to lawbreakers in Caledonia, Deseronto and beyond," said Runciman. "This government has failed and continues to fail to uphold the rule of law in Ontario." "While the blockade in Deseronto has come down, the one in Caledonia is still up," said Runciman. "The McGuinty government is negotiating with people illegally occupying land and treating what could be defined as extortion as ho-hum even as it handicaps economic development in communities such as Brantford and ignores an illegal smoke shop operating on government land within metres of a school."
"Added Runciman, "The Premier is encouraging lawlessness with his laissez-faire approach to upholding the rule of law."
"For those of you that are looking at this from far away, you should not underestimate the temperature of this community, and certainly do not mistake its resolve". Ken Hewitt CCA.
"Natives are being treated differently than non-natives, he said. Probably because of Ipperwash". Councillor Boyko.
"Blockades won’t stop the province from negotiating with native protesters to resolve outstanding land claims and end a two-year occupation on the outskirts of Caledonia, Premier Dalton McGuinty said yesterday. McGuinty said he won’t call off negotiations with Six Nations protesters unless he’s told to do so by the provincial police and Prime Minister Stephen Harper". Toronto Star.
"I am totally committed to do what is in my power to reach peaceful solutions, however, I am equally unwavering in my resolve to hold accountable anyone who would break the law and jeopardize public safety." Commisioner Fantino.
"The Opposition says the Liberals have been encouraging lawlessness by tolerating the recent escalation of aboriginal protests. The Conservatives say the Liberals should call off negotiations with the Six Nations protesters until the protests stop. But Premier Dalton McGuinty says he won’t call off negotiations with the protesters unless he’s told to by the provincial police and Prime Minister Stephen Harper. cbc.ca
When I was a young girl I was brought up to respect and trust our Police Officers. Does everyone remember being taught that if you get lost find a Police Officer? We we brought up believing that the Police were there to protect us and we were to trust them, now it seems that our OPP here in Haldimand are only peace keepers. I would like to believe that the OPP will start doing the right thing and uphold the law. If not for me, for the younger generation, as I feel that the standards that are being set here in Haldimand are detremental. How can you preach to the young to not break the law, when they are witnessing the breaking of laws everyday in this community.
Well there you have it, my say!
Excellent post Donna.
ReplyDeleteThis whole mess is evolving way beyond landclaims. The government is negotiating. That was the reason initially for occupying DCE.
What possible reason could the government and OPP have for showing us and especilly our children that they are not worthy of being protected against violent activity in the society of Ontario??? The protection of our children should be paramount, whether it is illegal smoke shacks selling cigarettes to minors or watching adults committ criminal offenses with no penalties for their behaviour. Add to that the fear in the homes of these children needing counselling and medication just to get through the day. How is this any different than bullying by anyone at school or on the street??? I guess our laws against bullying are being set aside as well. Now McGuinty has abdicated his responsibility to an unelected Commissioner of Police to tell him whether to stop negotiations or not. Absolutely sickening the whole stance of the Liberal government. It has been proven beyond a doubt that law-abiding innocent residents of this Province have been totally abandonned by those in Power and are dispensable to the native agenda.
Thank you Donna for being so honest, but mostly for being outspoken. Most of us are in fear of being public. This is for many reasons. McGuinty's statement recently regarding if the OPP were to say stop negotiating the province would stop, should be enough proof for everyone. This is just political. The OPP do not have this power, or do they? The Ipperwash report was full of recomendations not a report that was to be taken word for word and put law abiding citizens at risk. McGuinty has run out of excuses. And I am afraid that residents have run out of patience.
ReplyDeleteExcellent Donna! You have said what most of us are afraid to say. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteDonna you can add this in to this week as well;
ReplyDeleteRe: Barrett calls for Solicitor General’s resignation
Toby here,
Following is my news release and Hansard from questions I asked Community Safety and Correctional Services Minister Rick Bartolucci this afternoon. It is all self-explanatory; however folks have been speculating as to why the barricades came down so quickly this time around.
Have a good evening.
For Immediate Release
May 1, 2008
Barrett calls for Solicitor General’s resignation
Queen’s Park – Since the start of the Caledonia land disputes two years ago, the McGuinty Liberals have been clear that they do not direct the OPP on operational matters. A Dunnville Chronicle newspaper article printed yesterday suggests the Minister of Community, Safety and Correctional Services (Solicitor General) Rick Bartolucci has done otherwise.
Prior to Question Period today, Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett spotted the article which read: Over the weekend, Six Nations band chief Bill Montour told Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant that the blockade was not a criminal activity and said this could become something all parties did not want it to be. He gave credit to Bryant for talking to the Solicitor General who reportedly told the OPP to stand down.
Back in December, the Minister of Community, Safety and Correctional Services said in response to one of Barrett’s questions: “If the member is suggesting that the Solicitor General or any other minister or member should interfere with the operation of the OPP, he’s wrong. He’s dead wrong.”
Given the report that Bartolucci allegedly asked the OPP to “stand down” Barrett then formally asked in the Ontario Legislature, “Given your previous statements, are you prepared to resign?”
“That allegation is ridiculous, and, no, I will not resign because I won’t interfere with policing operations,” Bartolucci said. “We’ve learned from past history that you don’t interfere as government with policing operations.”
Barrett also asked the Minister why arrests were made in Deseronto/Tyendinaga for lawless behaviour over the weekend, but not in Caledonia. The Minister refused to answer the question but congratulated the OPP on their handling of the situation.
- 30 –
Native land disputes
Mr. Toby Barrett: To the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Minister, on April 25, OPP Commissioner Fantino was clear in a news release concerning problems at Tyendinaga and Deseronto: “This violent criminal activity occurred outside of any legitimate protest and will not be tolerated.” It was not tolerated because people were arrested.
Back in Caledonia, criminal activity was allowed to occur all weekend. Not over a land claim, but in support of Tyendinaga. To my knowledge, no arrests were made on the weekend in Caledonia. Why does the OPP crack down at Deseronto, but will not crack down at Caledonia? ... no arrests were made on the weekend in Caledonia. Minister, why does the OPP crack down at Deseronto, but will not crack down at Caledonia?
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Minister of community safety.
Hon. Rick Bartolucci: This gives me a great opportunity to congratulate Commissioner Fantino, the incident commanders, senior officers and front-line officers for the remarkable job they’re doing.
Listen, we appreciate that the OPP is handling these situations in a very, very professional manner, understanding that, at the end of the day, public safety is paramount. Congratulations to Commissioner Fantino. Congratulations to the OPP.
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Supplementary.
Mr. Toby Barrett: They did a good job at Deseronto. Minister, on December 4th last year, I questioned you in the House and you said: “If the member is suggesting that the Solicitor General or any other minister or member should interfere with the operation of the OPP, he's wrong.”
Now, in this week’s Dunnville Chronicle, there’s an article written by Karen Best—she’s a reporter known for her accuracy and thoroughness—and I quote the article, in part:
“Over the weekend, Six Nations band Chief Bill Montour told Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant that the blockade was not a criminal activity,” and, further, “He gave credit to Bryant for talking to the Solicitor General, who, reportedly told the OPP to stand down.”
Speaker, we have a report before this House referring to the Solicitor General, who reportedly told the OPP to stand down. Minister, given your previous statements, are you prepared to resign?
Hon. Rick Bartolucci: That allegation is ridiculous, and, no, I will not resign because I won’t interfere with policing operations. We’ve learned from past history that you don’t interfere as government with policing operations.
But, what we can do, what we should do, what I’m asking him to do, and that side to do, is to ensure that we ask the federal government to come to the table with our First Nations communities to settle these land claims. The OPP is doing a remarkable job at ensuring that public safety is the top priority, but there are two other partners here that have to come to the table. The federal government has a responsibility to come to the table, to settle these land claims, so that everyone can get along the way we want to get along in Ontario—
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): New question. The member from Trinity–Spadina.
Thanks for your comments. And thanks for the update from Toby. I have the same message but had not posted updates from Toby yet. After reading Tobys update, I am becoming very concerned about what is really going on here. In fact we should all be very concerned.
ReplyDeleteWhen the OPP moved in on the park at Ipperwash Dudley George was killed. The young officer who fired the fatal shot claimed he was sure Dudley had a gun. The OPP claimed that they moved in by order of the Premier of Ontario's (Mike Harris) office. The premier's office denied giving the order. During the Ipperwash investigation an audio tape which was released to the media with a voice sounding very much like the voice of Mike Harris made a comment along the lines of I don't care, I want those f...... indians out of that park. So to sum it all up; the officer claimed self defence, the Premier's office denied giving the order, the OPP claimed they only moved in on the order, Dudley George was killed and the young OPP officer held responsible for that fatal shot died mysteriously in an automobile accident shortly before he was scheduled to testify at the Ipperwash Inquiry. Is there anyone out there accountable for anything? If someone, native or non native gets killed before things are settled in Caledonia will there be any accountability there?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. Regarding your statement; If someone, native or non native gets killed before things are settled in Caledonia will there be any accountability there".
ReplyDeleteWe are already witnessing first hand that the Provincial Government is passing the buck to who ever they can when the heat is turned up. Our present premier only seems to be "accountable" to himself and his own people. McGuinty promised the residents of Ontario when he was re-elected that his government would be "Transparent and Accountable" to the public. Yet in my opinion his government is making things worse for "all" of the good people of Ontario.
Just to clarify my meaning of the word "all"....whether you are black blue or polkadot....
Good article Donna, and some excellent comments.
ReplyDeleteI just have one thing to say.
As long as the LAW is not adhered to as you would say by all people, there will be someone hurt or even killed. I can also say that if this happens our government will not be accountable, they will blame it on someone else! History will repeat itself!
Some clarifications needs to be done on one of these posts. Mike Harris did not order the OPP to confront the natives. Opp testified at the Inquiry that he did not ask them to nor did his comments influence their actions.
ReplyDeleteThe natives had come out of the park and the OPP were trying to confine them back in the park to keep the public safe. The Opp were attacked with lit flares, boards and bats, a car and a bus tried to run them down. It has never been proven whether Dudley was armed or not. Evidence at the crime scene was not secured and the OPP were stampeded out of Ipperwash by the natives. SIU and any investigators were not allowed into the area for two weeks after.
Plenty of time for the natives in charge to get the crime scene cleaned up of any evidence. Deane the OPP that shot Dudley became the scapegoat for the government especially after the Inquiry found the natives blameless.
Accountablility from the government..no way , many are still in their jobs after Ipperwash and did nothing at the time to help innocent people terrorized by the natives. Perhaps with Caledonia speaking out stronger every day this will change. There are enough natives and government reps that need to take the blame once and for all.
hi donna
ReplyDeleteafter reading the dunnville chronicle,the first page artical print was about how the planning general manager directed the bylaw department of haldimand county to act and charge the dunnville auto drome of bylaw /noise/racing infractions... to hinder a legal tax paying employer on a legal despute of legal defenition of racing, and or who has legal rights to regulate noise on a airport{it's federal for anyone who doesn't know]and in the same period not one counclor or member of or county staff would ever direct our bylaw officer to fine anyone who fustrated and stopped the flow of traffic on #6hwy without a municipal permit.!!!I know if a legal business of haldimand had a parade or show and shine without permition of our county the bylaw officer would be there!!!holy have a cow if you parked all day in a municipal parking lot all day the bylaw officer would be there .free parking on number 6.If anyone of council tries to tell you they don't direct law enforcement like our provicial government tried to get us to beleive you know they all lie. READ THE FRONT PAGE OF THE DUNNVILLE CHRONICLE it said it all!for fear of reprecutions of town hall regetably annomouse but not fooled
Thanks for your comments.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the information on the Autodrome. I am posting a blog about that in the next couple of days.
It is amazing that in one mouthfull the county is complaining of the lack of development and the loss of business yet here we have a fight between the Autodrome and the County and a handful of residents that has been going on for some "4" years.
This issue has nothing to do with Land Claims, so why isn't the County rolling out the "red carpet"? Seems the problems root is much deeper.
Donna I look forward to your piece on the Autodrome, it is time for some truth to come out about what is really going on in this county.
ReplyDeleteHaldimand has never been a very nice place for business to deal with, especially if the residents that are complaining seem to have inside pulls with members of staff. Most out there believe that the natives have stopped all development when in fact development was not and has never been really strong here. Just take a look at Nanticoke, which by the way is private land and yet the county wants to spend 26 million doolars for infrastucture there, for what, a friend?
Donna I would also like to thankyou for saying what most of us are thinking. I live in Caledonia and I am growing quite tired of what is going on. Thank you again. I am sure that in Six Nations they are feeling the same way.
Here is a good article by Jim. Jim is at every council meeting in Haldimand County.
ReplyDeleteCouncil asks government to stop negotiations until blockades are down
By Jim Knisley, the Sachem
May 02, 2008
The federal and provincial governments must stop negotiating land claims with the Six Nations until all blockades are down and occupations ended, Haldimand County Council said Monday.
In an emotion charged meeting council said the blockading of the Highway 6 bypass around Caledonia had raised tensions and animosity and threatened the economy and safety of Caledonia and the county.
"The public is ready to explode," Councillor Buck Sloat said.
The blockade of the bypass also forced all car and truck traffic to travel through the middle of the town over the Argyle Street Bridge. The Argyle Street Bridge, which is owned by Ontario's Ministry of Transportation, is due for major repairs beginning next week and may not be able to withstand the pounding by heavy traffic.
Sloat said the closure of the bypass had nothing to do with land claims in the county. It was all in support of an individual arrested for "criminal activities" in Deseronto. Now they are engaged in criminal activities here, he said.
"They are breaking the law," he said. "We're sick and tired of it."
Councillor Don Ricker said the provincial government was willing to call the legislature together for a special Sunday meeting to prevent a strike by the TTC, "but they won't even return our phone calls."
Councillor Lorne Boyko said it is clear the province has its on interests and it will look after those. It is also clear the federal government has its own interests and "we're in this on our own."
"Do I have faith that the federal government and the province will do what's best for Haldimand County? No. I have faith that they'll do what's best for the federal and provincial governments," Boyko said.
Councillor Craig Grice said federal and provincial leadership "is nonexistent."
While every member of the county council was in Caledonia last weekend and put in long hours, the federal and provincial governments were noticeable by their absence.
Meanwhile the residents of Caledonia did themselves proud over the weekend. "I'm proud of the residents who held themselves responsible and didn't let emotions get the better of them," Grice said.
However they are "getting tired of being batted around."
Sloat said that the motion to end negotiations until all blockades and occupations end means all occupations and blockades. That included the re-opening of the bypass and guarantees that it will not be closed again, the ending of blockades and occupations of private developments by splinter groups or in support of HDI and the end to the occupation of DCE.
"It's time to end all illegal activities," he said.
"We're looking at a two-tier system of justice. They have to do something about it," he said.
Council also called on the Ministry of Transportation to delay plans to repair and close one lane of the Argyle St. Bridge until there are assurances that the bypass will be open.
Grice said the Argyle Street Bridge "is taking an absolute pounding. If this keeps up it will fall into the river."
If the bypass is closed again and repairs start on the Argyle Street Bridge the situation in Caledonia will be catastrophic. Getting from one side of town to the other will be virtually impossible. Traffic will be detouring to York, through the Six Nations and even further afield.
Meanwhile heavy trucks from the Nanticoke steel plant and the ESSO refinery will be going wherever they can to cross the river. "We're going to tear up that bridge," Grice said of the York Bridge.
"We're going to damage our roads beyond repair without that bypass open," he said.
Grice suggested that an alternative might be to detour the heavy trucks through the Six Nations reserve. That bridge is much stronger than bridges at York, Cayuga, Caledonia or Dunnville, he said.
"The road closure has nothing to do with land claims so they can put up with the truck traffic," he said.
Councillor Tony Dalimonte said: "I'm as angry as anyone else."
"But we have to be practical as well."
He suggested that truck traffic from Nanticoke be shifted to Highway 3 (a provincial highway), crossing the river at Cayuga and then up Highway 56 to Stoney Creek and Hamilton.
Council also voted to send a priorized version of its recovery plan to the provincial government as Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant requested last week.
The plan calls for major contributions from the federal and provincial governments to help the county rebuild its water and wastewater systems. The total cost of rebuilding the systems is $135 million over the next two decades. The plan includes expansion of the Hagersville treatment plant, a Jarvis to Townsend force main, a Hagersville to Caledonia forcemain and watermain, a Hagersville to Jarvis forcemain, Nanticoke wastewater treatment plant and a forcemain from Jarvis and expansion of the Nanticoke water treatment plant.
It also includes upgrades to the infrastructure in the Nanticoke industrial area, downtown improvements for all communities in the county, development of a Port Maitland Marina and resurfacing of Lakeshore Road.
Council also made it clear that the recovery plan is far from the be all and end all.
The key to the recovery of Caledonia, in particular, and the county as a whole is ending "illegal" activities and settlement of the land claims.
"There's only one recovery for Caledonia," said Sloat, "stop the occupations and illegal blockades."
"That has to be the first priority," said Boyko.
Mayor Marie Trainer said she was told that neither the Six Nations' Confederacy Council nor the elected Band Council supported the blockade. She also said that Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant, who met with council a week earlier, had not been in contact with her or other members of council or county staff over the weekend.
Very good article. But the following statements from council members certainly doesn't give me much hope;
ReplyDelete"Do I have faith that the federal government and the province will do what's best for Haldimand County? No. I have faith that they'll do what's best for the federal and provincial governments," Boyko said.
Councillor Craig Grice said federal and provincial leadership "is nonexistent."
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you research and do a blog on the Crown's Duty to Consult, to help others understand the law?
Thanks for your comments.
ReplyDelete"G" I really do not have the time right now to do a lot of research on the "duty to consult". I don't quite understand where this would apply as per the "Criminal Code of Canada". Does the "duty to consult" supersede Canadian Law? Your response would be appreciated as you seem to know what you are talking about. Thanks in advance. Or if anyone else has some information please join in here.
I agree with the poster that says they have no faith in Haldimand Council. I also feel the same way. After all this time of saying really nothing and because they don't get their money, they are now being disrespectful and down right acting like children. It is too bad that we have to wait so long to vote all Haldimand Council out.