Thursday, May 31, 2007

Haldimand "What have we Become"?

Here are a few things that I can tell you with certainty that I do know. I am proud to be a "Canadian Citizen". I am a "Law-Abiding Citizen". "I Proudly Vote in Every Election". "I have the right of Freedom of Speech". "I believe that Every Individual has the Right to his or her Religious Beliefs". "I believe that we all bear the responsibility to educate ourselves about an issue or an individual before we make a Judgment". "If I don’t Respect my fellow man, I will not be Respected".

Here are a few more things that I can tell you with certainty that I do know. "If I don’t pay my house taxes or my rent I would be homeless". "If I don’t pay my Hydro Bill, I will fumble in the dark". "If I don’t pay my telephone bill, I will loose contact with my family and friends". "If I refuse to pay the "high" price of gasoline, my truck and I stay home".

Here are a few more things that I can tell you with certainty that I do know. "If I break into my Neighbors home I have broken the Law and will be Arrested". "If I Assault another person I have broken the Law and will be Arrested". "If I own a gun without a license I have broken the Law and will be Arrested". "If I block the Public Road in front of my house I have broken the Law and will be Arrested".

Here are a few more things that I can tell you for certainty that I do know. "The O.P.P. in Haldimand County are under contract by our hard earned tax dollars to Uphold the Law". "The O.P.P. are not Peacekeepers, they are a Police Force". "The O.P.P. are not "trained" to deal with the present issues that our County faces". "The RCMP on the other hand are trained to deal with the present state we are in". "Our Politicians on every level are not solving the Real Issues, maybe just maybe the issues at hand are even too big for them to solve".

Here are a few more things that I can tell you for certainty that I do know. "All Levels of government are responsible for the present state of Affairs". "All Levels of government are already aware of the fact that money will not solve the problems that we face". "We as taxpayers in Haldimand and Ontario cannot financially bear the costs". "We, You and I, don’t seem to really have a say". "We, and I me "WE" in the true meaning of the word, unless someone has changed that definition, are affected by the actions of "ALL" people involved with the current crisis we face!

I must admit to you that I am beginning to wonder if what I have been doing is even making a difference, or I am just venting and know one hears me. I am finding it most difficult to even write about the issues at hand lately, as things have gotten so out of whack. What I mean is that if you disagree with an individual or a group of individuals it seems you are classed as a "racist", due to fact that we have lost the true meaning of what a "racist" really is. If you are involved with the "wrong" people it seems that you are classed as a "terrorist", due to the fact that we have lost the true meaning of what a "terrorist" really is.

Canada is a country made up of many, many cultures, but we cannot ignore the fact that we must have "One Law for All", it cannot work any other way!

I am praying that we can all find a way to live in Peace and Harmony!

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